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Registered: 04-2006
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For those working Lewis method-book Clearing Your Lifepath


I read in some old post that users of Clearing Your Lifepath were having difficulty with memorizing some of the guided meditations. There are fancy words and phrases not commonly used BECAUSE this work should be something VERY special to you, it will after all, change your life for the better if you want it to - and are willing to do the work on/in yourself.

You would get out the fancy china and use your manners when important functions occur right?
So think of this SACRED knowledge that way.
Impress yourself with the value of you!

****This book was written before the pocket tape recorder was readily available.

Now, you can record YOURSELF leading the meditations and play back while in The Silence. They are very carefully worded and for the purpose of LEARNING from them, follow them as written. Later, you can change them to suit your personal style as you develope a simplified system.

If you paid $100 and were at a live group with the leader doing a guided meditation, would you change it (thereby involving the Uhane instead of letting Uni get the message) or just learn it the way presented and benefit from that particular teachers many years of experience.

Allow the Master Teacher to share with you in HIS own style.

Huna, it REALLY works AND It ONLY works if YOU DO!

May/19/2006, 4:38 pm Link to this post Send Email to KahunaWisdom   Send PM to KahunaWisdom
Two Bears Profile
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Registered: 01-2004
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Re: For those working Lewis method-book Clearing Your Lifepath


****This book was written before the pocket tape recorder was readily available.

Will have to agree to disagree here. The book was copyrighted in 1983. I graduated from high school in 1973, and I had a cassette recorder to take notes from some of my teachers who talked to fast for me to take notes.


If you paid $100 and were at a live group with the leader doing a guided meditation, would you change it (thereby involving the Uhane instead of letting Uni get the message) or just learn it the way presented and benefit from that particular teachers many years of experience.

If the guided meditation made me feel uncomfortable; of course I would change the words to other words that did nOT make me feel uncomfortable.

The silence is just that "The Silence". and any method you use to get there is a good way to get there; Believe it of not; an easy method I have found is to wrap my left hand around the right thumb and hold the right thumb tightly enough to feel the pulse in my right thumb; then using the pulse in my thumb as a focus point amd staying with the pulse until I get in the silence. After I am relaxed and have arrived in the silence I begin doing the work I went there to do.

The meditations are only one of many routes one can take to get there.


Allow the Master Teacher to share with you in HIS own style.

If the teaching style resonates with the learning style of the student; everything is good; if the teaching style does not resonate with the student's learning style; change the words, or try different methods to get into the silence.

There are only two things to consider.

1. go into the silence
2. do the work you went there to do.

Aloha. Rev. Two Bears

"I hope you know this violates my warranty"Twiki
May/27/2006, 1:03 pm Link to this post Send Email to Two Bears   Send PM to Two Bears

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